{ "eid": {"userName": "api-test@dhl.com", "password": "*********"}, "shipment": { "dhlProductCode":"103", "payerCode":"1", /* payerCode Domestic: 1=Consignor, 3=Consignee, 4=Third party payer International: 001=Consignee pays freight cost and both export- and import customs clearance 002=Consignee pays freight cost and import customs clearance 022=Consignor pays freight cost and export customs clearance 023=Consignor pays freight cost and both export and import customs clearance */ "totalNumberOfPieces": 1, "totalWeight": 5.5, "parties":[ {"id": "350009", /* Id : i,e customer account no, mandatory on the part according to the payerCode. If the freight payer is "Third party payer" the part FreightPayer must be added. */ "type":"Consignor", "address": {"postalCode":"55302","countryCode":"se"}}, {"type":"Consignee", "address": {"postalCode":"30264","countryCode":"se"}}], "additionalServices": { "cashOnDelivery": {"currency": "SEK", "amount": 1000} } } }